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Discover The Amazing Benefits of Concrete Retaining Wall
Admin • October 13, 2023
Residential garden with newly concrete retaining wall installed in Melton VIC.

A retaining wall serves to contain soil, helping prevent erosion and sinkholes while adding beauty to your landscape design and creating new opportunities for planting.

Concrete is fireproof, rust-proof and frost-proof - plus easy to work with! It can even be formed into complex curves and angles without alteration.


A retaining wall isn't simply a decorative garden feature; it is also an extremely strong structure intended to contain large quantities of soil. Therefore, its construction should utilise strong materials like concrete blocks, poured walls or treated timbers.

An expertly designed and constructed retaining wall can last decades. However, any casual inspection will reveal many existing walls which have bulging or leaning sections due to poor design or construction, as well as too much weight being put behind them.

When building a retaining wall, ensure all local codes for footings are met, including guidelines on drainage and adequate sinking depth to withstand freeze-thaw cycles and changes in groundwater levels. Consulting a structural engineer is important to make sure the wall design fits with soil conditions and slope on site; it may also be wise to add bracing on any wood forms used for casting concrete to avoid potential structural issues.


Though retaining walls might appear simple at first glance, they're carefully engineered systems designed to fight gravity. Retaining walls restrain tons of saturated soil that would otherwise erode and damage landscape features; increase usable yard space by terracing sloped sites; add an element of sculpture into garden design. Plus, they come in all styles, from rustic to modern designs!

Begin constructing your retaining wall from an even base by setting down your first block centred on it and checking its placement with a carpenter's level for both left-to-right and front-to-back perfection.

As you continue laying courses, periodically review the level of each. It is crucial that the masonry blocks remain flush against one another, with enough gravel behind each course to pack down concrete without collapsing as it sets. Furthermore, adding drainage may be necessary so water doesn't build up behind your wall.


Retaining walls are not only used as practical tools to level sloped lawns and level yards; they can add an aesthetic dimension as well. From rustic timber and mortared stone walls to sleekly modern concrete designs poured on slabs - the right professional can make sure a retaining wall suits the aesthetic you seek.

Concrete walls allow more customisation than other materials, giving contractors more options for colours, textures, and embellishments that highlight them with embedded objects.

Concrete retaining walls  are built by stacking rows of blocks slightly inclined backward from one another, using a carpenter's level to check each block for levelness from left to right and front to back before moving on to the next course. Each block should rest against its respective base layer, which must then be compacted for stability with a drainage system installed for hydrostatic pressure relief.


A retaining wall may look like a simple stack of stones, bricks or concrete blocks, but in reality, it's an elaborate system engineered to fight gravity to keep tons of soil contained and increase garden space on sloped properties. Furthermore, they help prevent soil erosion, sinkhole formation and flooding as well.

A retaining wall's longevity depends on a number of factors, including its design and the weight it must support. To ensure it lasts as long as possible, it must be built at an appropriate height with solid footings, including weep holes or drainpipes buried underground to alleviate pressure from within its design.

Regular maintenance - such as performing thorough inspections and promptly responding to small problems as they arise - can extend the lifespan of your retaining wall. Avoid using salt-based de-icing products near it as these will wear down its material over time.

If you need a concreters in Melton, feel free to get in touch with us by phone at 03 9118 0690 to get started!

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