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Common Concrete Repair Issues and How to Fix Them
Admin • March 14, 2024
Newly repaired concrete driveway of a residential property in Melton VIC.

Concrete is one of the most versatile materials used in construction, but without proper maintenance, it can quickly become a liability. While concrete is incredibly durable and reliable when taken care of, it can start to break down due to a range of different issues. This makes concrete repair an important part of maintaining a strong structure. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the common causes of concrete damage and how they can be fixed.


Cracks are one of the most common types of damage found on concrete structures and can be caused by anything from ground movement to extreme weather conditions. These cracks may be small or large and require immediate attention to prevent further damage.

Cracking generally occurs when there is not enough reinforcement in the structure or if the base has been weakened by water accumulation or soil erosion.

To fix cracking, you need to remove any loose pieces of concrete and apply a bonding agent before filling and sealing the crack with special cement-based products designed for concrete repair. It’s also important to ensure that the area around the crack is fully sealed against moisture, as water can cause further weakening over time.


Spalling occurs when pieces of cement are broken away from a structure’s surface due to impact or pressure forces such as freezing temperatures or excess weight being applied to the surface. Spalling usually requires replacing any damaged pieces before applying a new waterproof coating to prevent further damage from happening.


Efflorescence happens when salts present in cement evaporate into a powdery white substance on the surface which over time can corrode steel reinforcements and reduce strength if left untreated. To treat efflorescence you need to clean off all traces before applying a protective sealer that will stop moisture penetration and make sure no new efflorescence forms again – either through brushing or acid washing methods depending on the severity of build-up.

Finding Professional Help

If you’re dealing with any type of serious structural issue or just want peace of mind that your repairs will last long into the future then it’s best practice to contact an experienced professional contractor who specialises in concrete repair services for advice and help with getting your project completed on time without errors still occurring down the line – contact us at 03 9118 0690  if you need help with concrete repair!

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