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All You Need to Know About Concrete Retaining Walls
Admin • January 12, 2024
Concrete retaining wall installed in a mini garden on a front view of a residential property in Melton VIC.

Investing in a concrete retaining wall is a great way to protect your property from flooding and the soil from erosion. The benefits of a retaining wall include:

Prevents soil erosion

Investing in a concrete retaining wall is a great way to prevent soil erosion. Soil eroding can cause landslides, damage to the property, and even injury.

Adding vegetation to the soil can also help reduce soil erosion. Plants can help hold the soil in place and will also shade the soil. The roots of the ground cover will also help lower the fluid flow around the retaining wall.

The bottom of a retaining wall should be at least three feet from the foundation. For the first 10 feet, the topsoil should be at least three to six inches from the wall.

The walls should be made of porous materials that allow drainage. They should also have a drainage pipe and a porous backfill. French drains are another option. These trenches are positioned at specific intervals and contain perforated pipes.

If you want to improve the look of your retaining wall, you can add a layer of sand behind the stones. You can also add a gravel or filter fabric behind the stones.

Adding mulch will also help keep the soil from eroding. In addition, you can also plant ground covers. These plants will suck up excess water and prevent the soil from being carried away.

You can also install a protective barrier at the base of the building slopes. These are often constructed of piles, rock drapes, high-tensile steel mesh, and other materials. You should only have these installed by a professional.

Protects from flooding

Having a concrete retaining wall on your property is a good idea. These structures can prevent sinkholes and other structural pitfalls. The best part is they are inexpensive to install and maintain.

There are plenty of companies out there that specialise in this type of work. The cost of putting up a retaining wall can be a fraction of the cost of repairing damage caused by a flood. A retaining wall is also an excellent way to protect your yard from high-powered vehicles. It is also a great way to add curb appeal. A retaining wall is a great way to prevent flood damage and ensure your property is always in tip-top condition.

When you have a precast concrete retaining wall, you don't have to deal with a major water main flooding your property. The walls are designed to withstand both storms and seasonal rains. Having a retaining wall is also a good idea if you are trying to sell your home. The wall is a great way to increase the value of your property.

In addition to building a retaining wall, installing a floodproof roof can protect your home from flooding. A retaining wall can protect your home from flooding by absorbing water and channelling it away from your property. This is the best way to protect your home from flood damage and reduce your insurance bill.

Creates terraced areas for attractive plants and flowers

A concrete retaining wall is a great way to create terraced areas in your yard. This design can create an outdoor seating area and soften the look of your hardscape around your pool. These retaining walls also add interest to a hillside flower bed. The best part is they are easy to construct.

The best retaining walls are made from dry-stacked salvaged concrete. These retaining walls can be covered with moss for an authentic cottage garden effect. These walls are also the cheapest option, which is good if you're on a budget.

If you want to create a retaining wall that stands out, try some more exotic options. Retaining walls are also a good option for creating an elegant entrance to your home. Putting up a retaining wall with a staircase is a smart way to make your entryway to your home a place where people will be happy to spend time.

A retaining wall is also a great way to eliminate that pesky grass in your lawn. It also helps prevent the spread of weeds and other unwanted plant life. A stone retaining wall can be adorned with moss and a few colourful flowers for a truly green solution. This will give you the perfect combination of aesthetics and functionality.

Easy to install

Whether you want to level out your lawn, add a new planting bed, or control erosion, a concrete retaining wall can be the answer. They are easy to install and are sturdy enough to last for years.

You can buy concrete retaining wall blocks in various colours, sizes, and prices. Most manufacturers provide printed installation guidelines and advice. However, check with your local building code official to ensure your project meets the local requirements.

Before starting your concrete retaining wall project, obtain a permit. You may also need to consider drainage and setbacks.

Start by measuring the width of the area you want to build your wall. Then, mark the area with a paint marker or string. If you plan to place a cap block on the top of the retaining wall, you will need a 6-inch cap. This will keep surface water from getting into the trench.

Once the cap is ready, please attach it to the retaining wall with a concrete adhesive. This ensures that the cap will stay in place.

For the foundation, use crushed gravel to make the backfill more stable. The stones should be between 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch in diameter. Once you've covered the trench with the gravel, tamp down the material to ensure no hollow areas are left. Then, fill in the backfill with topsoil, sod, or sand.

Less expensive than poured-in-place

Compared to wood retaining walls, concrete retaining walls are less expensive. However, the price can rise with the design.

When you build a retaining wall, you will need a good base. This will prevent grade sloping and drainage problems. A proper base is also essential for preventing hydrostatic pressure from building behind the wall.

Retaining wall contractors may use precast concrete blocks or pour concrete on site. You should talk to a specialist if you want a poured concrete wall. The installation process is easy and efficient. They can pour the wall in one day.

Other materials that can be used for a concrete retaining wall include bricks, cinder blocks, and stone. These are all durable options but can be more costly than interlocking concrete blocks.

If you are looking for a less expensive option, consider stamped concrete. This material can be stamped to look like other materials, such as stone. It is relatively inexpensive and can imitate the look of brick or stone. 

Natural stone retaining walls can be beautiful. However, they can be more expensive than cinder or interlocking concrete blocks.

The best way to ensure you get the best value for your money is to shop around for a quality contractor. You can even barter for your labour costs. The total price of your retaining wall will depend on the type of wall you choose and the finish.

Compared to conventional brick-and-mortar retaining walls, the concrete retaining wall in Willetton is a convenient and cost-efficient way to construct a retaining wall. If you have any questions about the concrete retaining wall in Willetton or need help with installation, please feel free to contact our team at 03 9118 0690.

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